PHOTO - Cult Berlin

Berlin photo series - Reichstag building and government district

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Berlin photo - Bundeskanzleramt / Federal Chancellery with autumn trees - photo cult berlin

Bundeskanzleramt / Federal Chancellery with autumn trees

Photo gallery of the Reichstag building and the government district

glass dome of the Reichstag building Reichstag building in 2005 Reichstag building at sundown At the Paul-Löbe-Haus On the Spree river in the government district at night In the government district At the Bundeskanzleramt / Federal Chancellery Bundeskanzleramt / Federal Chancellery with autumn trees Reichstag building in the government district Reichstag building at night Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus on Spree river in the government district Multimedia projection at Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus

Further photos will follow! Find more photographic impressions on our 'art place berlin' facebook site. We love Berlin!